Voice-Over Demos

© Voice-Artistry.com.au - International Media Consultancy
Marketing and Communications, Voice-overs, Voice Training and Audio Productions

Deborah Bauer is the director of Voice-Artistry, an international media consultancy which has operated for over 15
years. Deborah is an experienced marketing communications and media consultant and a professional voice-over artist,
broadcaster and commercial producer.

The essence of Voice-Artistry is to provide thoroughly integrated marketing expertise in communications. As a
marketing, media and broadcasting consultant, Deborah and her team can manage complex public relations campaigns
and guide in all facets of digital marketing, communications and social media.

In addition to this, Deborah is a certified trainer and lectures in marketing communications, screen, media, radio
broadcasting and journalism at various registered training organisations, including several TAFE campuses.  
She is also a voice - over actress with more than 20 years of experience voicing thousands of voice-over projects and can
assist with voice training, developing the voice through voice-coaching in elocution, expression, voice projection,
accent reduction as well as voice-over work, podcasting and radio announcing. For further information or enquiries
please contact me:-

VOICE –ARTISTRY                              
Mob: +61 0421661204                                                        
Web: http://www.voice-artistry.com
Email: deborah.bauer@voice-artistry.com
Skype: deborahbauer1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoiceArtistry

..............." I’ve got People Talking”